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Team Holly Care Bags

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”  2 Corinthians 1:4

Attention all Team Holly members! I wanted to share with you an amazing opportunity the Lord has laid on my heart. I am so blessed to have been given the love and support that I have over the last few months. It truly is how I got through this journey to this point. I can never express how thankful I am. During this process, I have felt this heaviness for other women who are or who will be going through the same journey. For many reasons, the Lord has laid it on my heart to reach out to help these women. I want to give them hope when they may feel none at all. 

I would like to make care bags to give to women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. This is a bag that will be filled with a list of items that I found helpful during my journey. The bags will be given to women at my doctor’s office by his awesome nurse and scheduler. I am so excited they agreed to help out with this effort by being the hands and feet of Jesus along with us!

So here’s what we need. I believe the Lord laid this on my heart and I am praying and believing that we all can make it happen.

I have already had a donation of 10 bags and blankets to start us off by one of my AMAZING friends. My goal is to make 10 bags to deliver by Thanksgiving. The number of women diagnosed each month varies. The initial 10 bags may only last 1-2 months, or just a few weeks. There is no way to know. So there’s no limit to donations here J  I would love for this to be an ongoing effort. 
So here’s where you come in.  If you are in a position that you can help support Team Holly’s efforts, please let me know. I will take item donations or money donations to buy the items. I can likely buy a lot of these items in bulk off Amazon Prime, which would reduce the cost per item.
Also, if you would like to write some hand-written notes, that would be amazing. You could mail those directly to me to be included. I know those meant so much to me. I looked forward to those every day I had one.

 Here's the tentative list of items. All of the items will fill 1 bag.  The first GOAL is 10 bags by Thanksgiving!

Care Bag Items

Personal items
Chapstick (non-scented)
Lotion- non-scented, sensitive (travel or regular size)
Head cap (these I will buy from a special store with money donations)
Hand sanitizer  (travel size)
Kleenex (travel size)
Sunscreen (travel size)

Gift cards
$15 iTunes gift card
Food gift cards (restaurants or a Visa/Mastercard that can be used anywhere)
Grocery store gift cards (Kroger, Walmart, Target)

Reading materials
Jesus Calling devotional book (teal-color) - ~$14 each on Amazon 
Blank note cards
Crossword puzzle
Hand written notes to encourage the recipient 

Box of granola/protein bars
Ginger chews
box of tea bags
Reusuable plastic water bottle (liter sized) or tumbler
Crystal light packets
package of gum
Peanuts or mixed nuts
Peanut butter crackers

This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”   John 15:12

I am praying and believing the Lord is going to come through BIG TIME here so that we can love these women well. Please let me know if you would like to help out in any way.  

1). Email me at if you would like to mail me item donations. I can meet anyone locally that has donations.
Here is the link to sign up for item donations. 

2). Send money donations to me via  --
- login to paypal, click on send/request money, send money to

Jesus, this is all for you!


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