I have been thinking out this post in my head for a week now. I am fully trusting the Lord to use these thoughts and words from Him to change your life as they have mine. Ten days ago our life changed forever. Our family of four became a family of 5 in an instant. Not much preparation. No third trimester to nest and get everything perfectly “ready” to bring home a new baby. With the grace of God we are doing well. We are all adjusting to our new normal as well as we can be. Reid Samuel Tomlin joined our family on April 5, 2017. Although it’s not legal, we have given him this name as our son that we anxiously await the day we can make it final. The day we can officially put our stamp on him. The day we can officially adopt him into our family. Lord willing, that day will be in October; 6 months from the day he joined our family. Many of the details surrounding Reid’s life will remain private for some time as there are confidentiality rules we must follow. What I can tell you is...
"The Lord is my rock and my salvation; my stronghold. I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:6