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Showing posts from May, 2016

Trials and Doctor Visit Update

Trials are something none of us would sign up for. None of us want to suffer, to experience pain, to have our lives drastically change unexpectedly, to get that dreaded phone call… In the midst of a trial, it feels like you're out in the middle of the ocean, kicking your legs as fast as possible to stay afloat. Doing everything you can to not go under. Then finally something happens and the water starts to recede... You come out a new person, a survivor!     What I have learned about trials... God is real. He is alive. God is chiseling away the ugly to make something beautiful. Trials force you to run to God or away from him.     In the midst of my greatest trial... In my weakest moments, I had no choice but to surrender everything in my life to the Lord. It was in those moments that I found freedom and a closeness to God I have never felt in my life. I would never wish to be back in those moments again, but because of those moments I have gained so much...